What are the qualifications you look for when selecting applicants?
Our key criterion is promise for a productive research career. We look for past productivity (the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior), so we look both at the number of publications and the quality of the journal (as well as the quality of the paper). We also evaluate this based on letters of recommendations (for example, some applicants have few publications but their faculty letters explain if there are external reasons for this). We also look for the faculty’s evaluation of the applicant. We look carefully at their statement of interest which can tell us something about the quality of their thinking and their ability to convey their plans concisely in writing, and finally we consider the fit between what they want and what we can offer.
Am I able to receive clinical supervision for licensure?
Is there flexibility in start date?
I already had a 9-month federally-funded postdoc position. Could I still apply for the program?
For confirmation of degree: Please clarify what you mean by the "dean of the graduate division." Would that be the dean of the graduate school or the dean of Psychology?
Is there is a strict requirement as to how recently prospective fellows should have received their graduate degree?
Are those with an EdD or PsyD eligible to apply?
Your website states that those who have obtained a PhD in Psychology are eligible to apply. Does this PhD need to be in Clinical Psychology or any specialty in Psychology will do?
I am very interested in working with a specific faculty member and was wondering if it was enough to have the support of one faculty member to get accepted into the program, or whether one is accepted into the program in a more general sense. [How formal or informal is the acceptance process?]
I have a question about the September 2019 start date that is listed on the fellowship website. I do not have an official "expected" graduation date yet, but as I mentioned, it should be within a year. Is the September date flexible? If I do not have a specific graduation date yet, would I still be encouraged to apply? I am still highly interested in becoming a part of (or having the opportunity to interview for) the program!
I am very interested in the Psychology and Medicine Postdoctoral fellowship at UCSF. I am a graduate of the University of Florida's PharmD program and am currently working as a clinical pharmacist within the hospital system of Vancouver, British Columbia. I see an increasing awareness among our patients of the connection between mental and physical wellness, and feel that there is a huge disconnect between the care our patients want to receive and the care our system is capable of providing.
I have a strong interest in psychology, but am unsure if I have the mastery of psychological theory necessary to complete this fellowship. What would you recommend I do to assess my knowledge and improve upon my understanding of psychological theory?